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A word from the Bird

Hi! I'm Katie, the photographer behind the camera at K Bird Photography. My venture into photography started with a couple disposable cameras back when digital photography didn't exist. Sure, the photographs weren't exactly masterpieces back then, (mainly me and my best friends doing silly faces) but I do remember thinking, "I want to be a photographer one day", and now I've done just that!


As a plus sized woman myself, I recognized a need for more representation of plus sized people in lifestyle photography. We all come in different shapes and sizes, so it is my mission to ensure that I make the same diverse representation in my portfolio. I ensure everyone feels comfortable, has fun, and enjoys their experience in front of the camera! As a result of that, I deliver gorgeous photographs that show just how beautiful my clients truly are.

My style is a reflection of my personality; I like to keep it colourful and fun. I love to make people laugh, and enjoy every moment just like a kid. By the way, did I mention I love kids!? I'm a "super auntie" of 6 hilarious nieces and nephews, and my partner has a 5 year old daughter whom I love like my own. 


My vision is to photograph you and your loved ones while creating a fun and inclusive atmosphere. If that sounds like the kind of photographer you want in your life, I would love to hear from you!


 Katie "Bird"

  • I used to compete in figure skating and dance

  • I'm a novice beekeeper

  • I have a passion for travel. My most recent trip was to Colombia!

  • I'm a car karaoke superstar

  • My last name is actually Rowland. Bird is just a nickname


If a genie granted me three wishes,  what would I wish for?  

The ability to teleport, that life was a musical and I'm the star of it, and to always be in a state of peak physical and mental health (great answers right?)

Fun Facts



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